We are delighted to announce that Angelle will be taking on a brand new role at ICM as our Diversity and Engagement Lead.

The work Angelle has done as IO Radio’s Station Manager over the last year has been impeccable, and under her leadership IO has gone from strength to strength. They had an intake of 9 ambitious new DJ’s and a permanent volunteer, as well as a brand new work experience programme. They also strengthened local ties, taking part in local events, and partnering with The Smokehouse to start streaming gigs on air and conducting interviews with bands live on the night.
While her guiding hand will be missed at the radio, the work she will be doing for ICM now is vital. These are very challenging times but there is great potential and opportunity to move forward positively from recent events. We are confident that Angelle in her new role will help us achieve the change we all want to see.
Here is Angelle explaining her new position in her own words:
“With the plight of marginalised communities across the world it has become more important for me to work with these people locally especially those that look like me, because representation matters now more than ever. I want to bring that [creating new experiences for young people] back across South Street and engage more with these people, get them involved and give them the experience, knowledge and sometimes just fun, that we all take for granted in assuming they already have. My new role will enable me to solely work within the community and our volunteers and staff to do just this… I can focus on recruitment, inclusion, mentoring and creating more opportunities for young people from diverse backgrounds.”
We can’t wait to see what Angelle brings to the role, and with her passion for community, and commitment to social justice, we cannot imagine anyone better to fill this position. We look forward to sharing this journey with all of you.