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Here are some of our policies and procedures, which are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure we meet the highest Safeguarding standards.
If you have any safeguarding concerns or queries, please contact one of our Safeguarding contacts. 

Safeguarding Lead for Adults and Children/Young people:
Bruce MacGregor
07881 958011

Safeguarding Deputy for Children and Young People:
Helen Aldcroft
07883 304068

Safeguarding Deputy for Adults:
Linda Vines
07883 567031

Bruce MacGregor safegarding lead ipswich community media
Linda Vines Safeguarding Deputy Ipswich Community Media
Safeguarding Policy for Young People Ipswich Community Media

Safeguarding Policy for Young People

ICM is committed to safeguarding children and young people. This procedure establishes the guidelines to be followed by staff (paid and unpaid), without exception, for the protection of service users from abuse. All children and vulnerable adults have a right to protection and their welfare is paramount.

Safeguarding Policy for Vulnerable Adults

ICM is committed to the protection and safety of adults at risk involved as visitors and as participants in all of our activities both on and off site. We also want to protect and support our staff and volunteers who work or come into contact with these groups.  

Safeguarding Policy For Vulnerable Adults

Anti-Bullying Policy

Ipswich Community Media is completely opposed to bullying and will not tolerate it. It is entirely contrary to the values and principles we work and live by. All staff, learners and partners of ICM have a right to work and learn in a secure, safe and caring environment. We all have a responsibility to contribute in whatever way we can, to the protection and maintenance of such an environment.

Anti-Bulling Policy Ipswich Community Media

Anti-Bullying Charter

South Street Studios has agreed to these commitments to tackle bullying.

Tackling bullying - ten key principles that can reduce the impact and incidence of bullying.

Our organisation…

  1. Listens - all students, volunteers and parents and carers are listened to and influence strategies and approaches to prevent, report and respond to incidents of bullying.

  2. Includes us all - everyone is included, valued and participates fully in all aspects of South Street Studios including disabled students and those with SEN.

  3. Respects - all staff are role models to others within South Street Studios in how they treat others.

  4. Challenges - all discriminatory language is taken seriously and challenged.

  5. Celebrates difference - difference in all students, volunteers and staff is actively and visibly celebrated and welcomed across the whole of South Street Studios.

  6. Understands - we aim to ensure that all staff, volunteers, students and parents and carers understand what bullying is and what it isn’t. They know how we prevent and respond to bullying.

  7. Believes - all students, volunteers and their parents and carers are acknowledged, believed and taken seriously when reporting incidents of bullying.

  8. Reports bullying - all students, volunteers and their parents and carers understand how to report incidents of bullying.

  9. Takes action - we respond quickly to all incidents of bullying. Students and volunteers participate fully in decisions made about them and help to formulate appropriate action to respond to incidents of bullying.

  10. Has clear policies - our anti-bullying policy reflects these principles and is embedded within other South Street policies. They are widely and actively promoted to staff, volunteers, students and their parents and carers.

Our Online Safeguarding Commitment

With many of our projects moving online we have reviewed our online procedures and compiled this Online Safety Commitment that we ask all learners and participants to agree to

This is what we ask of you:

  • Be safe online by following the SMART guidance:


  • Be respectful to members of staff and other online users.

  • Not share personal information online.

  • Only post content (video's photo's) which are relevant to this project.

  • To not consume or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs during these sessions.

  • To speak to the tutor or the relevant safeguarding contact if you have any concerns about your mental health.

  • To not record or take photos of online sessions without everyone's consent.

  • To only use ICM equipment in line with the commitments made at the start of a project.

Our commitment to you:

  • To provide a safe and supportive space for you that is fun, empowering, inclusive and equitable.

  • To ensure dedicated staff are available to support you and your needs.

  • To provide opportunities for you where you can learn, engage and create.

  • To be informed by your needs.

  • To celebrate your participation.

  • Be clear that we cannot maintain confidentiality if there is concern about a the welfare of a child or young person.


Telephone: 116 123 (24 hours a day, free to call).


Website: www,

Provides confidential, non-judgemental emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those that could lead to suicide.


Mind Infoline

Telephone: 0300 123 3393 (9am-6pm Monday to Friday)



Mind provides confidential mental health information services. The info line gives information on types of mental distress, where to get help, drug treatments, alternative therapies and advocacy.


Rethink Mental Illness Advice Line

Telephone: 0300 5000 927 (9.30am - 4pm Monday to Friday)



Provides expert advice and information to people with mental health problems and those who care for them, as well as giving help to health professionals, employers and staff.

The Mix

Telephone: 0808 808 4994 (11am - 11pm, free to call)

Email: Helpline email form


The Mix provides judgement-free information and support to young people aged 13-25 on a range of issues including mental health problems.



Telephone: 0800 1111



Childline is a private and confidential service for children and young people up the age of 19. You can contact a Childline counsellor for free about anything.


Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline

Telephone: 0300 330 0630 (10am-10pm)



LGBT+ helpline to help you with whatever you need to talk about. Nothing is off limits, all calls are completely confidential, and all volunteers answering calls identify as LGBT+.

It can be hard to reach out to the people in your life for help. If you’re experiencing mental health problems or need urgent support, there are lots of places you can go to:


Charities and organisations which offer help.

Ipswich Community Media esources PDF
Lado Factsheet ICM member pdf

LADO Factsheet

If you have any concerns about an ICM member of staff or volunteer please refer to the LADO Factsheet below.

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